For Online Payment Processing

A Game Changer For Businesses Processing Card Not Present Transactions

For Online Payment Processing

A Game Changer For Businesses Processing Card Not Present Transactions

The Most Advanced & Secure Authentication Solution
For Online Payment Processing For Businesses In North America

Built exclusively for businesses (B2B), Converge enables businesses to securely send an invoice for online payment processing on goods and services for card not present transactions.

Now equipped with 3DS2, the most advanced card authentication solution available, Converge will future proof your business with the latest security protocols to prevent fraud. With Converge, your business can:

✓ Dramatically Lower Processing Fees with 3DS2 Authentication
✓ Authenticate Users Before Payment Authorization
✓ Create Stronger Customer Authentication
✓ Reduce “False Declines”
✓ Ensure A Smoother & Frictionless Customer Experience
✓ Shift E-commerce Fraud Liability Back To The Card-Issuing Banks

3DS2 is essentially the EMV Chip & Pin solution for e-commerce.

We donate 25% of OUR processing profits to the charity organization of your choice

Accept payments on nearly any website or via email

Create, send or track a quote or invoice electronically

Supports Recurring, Instalments And Future Dated Payments

No Integration Required - Simple And Quick To Implement

Easy To Use

Real Time Reporting / Payment Confirmation

Card Data Isolated From Your Organization's IT Structure

Customizable Invoicing with Your Organization's Logo, Info, T&Cs

If you are still processing credit cards by keying in card numbers or accepting digital commerce payments, you may be paying up to 0.60% more on every MasterCard transaction then you need to be paying.
Here are the official rates from Mastercard for keyed in vs. 3DS2 users –>

✓ Most Advanced Authentication Solutions

✓ Best Value with an Optimised Cost Structure

✓ Reduce Processing Risk & Exposure

✓ Enhanced Security – PCI Compliance 

✓ Unmatched Heroic Service & Support

✓ Stress-Free On-Site Implementation

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